Cruise excursion program Moscow (NRT) - Konevetz - Valaam - Sortavala - Pellotsari - Saint Petersburg - Kizhi - Moscow (NRT) from 30.07.12 to 12.08.12, Ship «Mikhail Bulgakov» | Интернет-магазин круизов компании Мостурфлот

Cruise excursion program Moscow (NRT) - Konevetz - Valaam - Sortavala - Pellotsari - Saint Petersburg - Kizhi - Moscow (NRT) from 30.07.12 to 12.08.12, Ship «Mikhail Bulgakov»

На выбор: 1) Пешеходная экскурсия с посещением церкви царевича Димитрия "на крови" и Cпасо-Преображенского собора.
2) "Знакомство со старым городом" с посещением музея "Библиотека русской водки". (группа от 20 чел.)
Included in the price of cruise
Автобусная экскурсия в Кирилло-Белозерский монастырь.
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Bus tour to Ferapontov Monastery.  You will see the refectory, the parvise, frescoes of The Virgin Nativity Cathedral and the monastery site. (Group size: 25+). Tour length -  3 hours. (alternative to the main excursion).
Group from 12 pax: 3000 rub. per person
Sea day.
Included in the price of cruise
You will visit the central building of the monastery, The Rozhdestvensky (Christmas) Cathedral with the relics of St. Arseny Konevsky, the Wonderworker. Take the forest path to the Holy Mountain and the legendary Horse-Stone, a huge boulder of glacial origin that resembles a horse's skull. Tour length -  2 hours. Route distance - 4 km.
Included in the price of cruise
Your choice:
1) Walking tour “Valaam’s Skits”. You will visit three of Valaam’s skits (hermitages): the Voskresensky (Resurrection), the Gethsemane and the Konevsky. Enjoy the unique natural phenomena of the Valaam archipelago - its flora and fauna. Route distance is 6 km. Tour length -  3.5 hours.(Group size: 15+).
2) Walking tour “Rocky Shore. The tour introduces visitors to the history of the Valaam Monastery during the Soviet-Finnish and Second World Wars. Savor Valaam’s unique nature surrounded by the Ladoga, the largest lake in Europe. Route distance 6 km.
Tour length – 2.5 hours.(Group size: 15+).
Included in the price of cruise
Your choice: 1) City walking tour to Sortavala with a stop at two museums – the private gallery of Kronid Gogolev, a phenomenal wooden relief carving artist, and the local history museum of Northern Ladoga. Route distance - 4 km. Tour length -  4.0 hours.
2) Bus and walking tour to the marble canyon "Ruskeala". The tour runs along the perimeter of the marble quarry. The decorations of St. Petersburg’s St. Isaac Cathedral and Marble Palace are made from Ruskeala’s marble. Visit the private gallery of artist Kronid Gogolev (wooden relief carver). The route distance is 2 km. Tour length – 3.5 hours. (Group size 35+).
The tourists will be transported to Sortavala pier by ferry.
Included in the price of cruise

Eco-Path: One Day of a Taiga Island The rocky taiga island is represented by a great variety of landscapes, flora, and fauna. Pellotsari is covered with forests, mostly of coniferous trees. A circular eco-path of a total length of 3 km has been laid on the island. A non-guided eco-path walk. Over 30 sites are marked along the path. These are natural objects, as well as monuments of human impact. There are information boards and signs at each point of the path. The path is laid with pine boards and fitted with bridges, stairs, and leisure areas.

Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion

Trip by speedboat. You will see the picturesque channels and bays of Lake Ladoga and land at Cape Meriniemi with Finnish fortifications preserved from the times of the Second World War. Walk duration is 1 hour 20 minutes.


1.Water and hiking trips are not carried out in fog or with a wave height of more than 0.5 meters or in other adverse weather conditions, since orientation is impossible due to lack of visibility.

2. Children over the age of 10 are welcome to join the excursion.

3. Drunkenness among tourists is not allowed.

Safety rules for tours by motor boats and speedboats:

Do not jump the queue while boarding and disembarking from the boats. To eliminate any negative effects of water excursions during boat movement it is prohibited to change seats, to shift loads, to use cutting and piercing objects, to rock the boat or to dive from the board. All of the passengers on the boats must be wearing fastened life jackets.

Group from 6 pax: 1000 rub. per person
Saint Petersburg
Обзорная экскурсия познакомит Вас с самыми знаменитами достопримечательностями города на Неве. Вы увидите Невский проспект и Эрмитаж, Адмиралтейство и стрелку Васильевского острова. Вы посетите Исаакиевский собор- выдающийся памятник позднего русского классицизма середины ХIХ века.
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Bus tour to Kronshtadt. On the island of Kotlin in the Gulf of Finland there is a port and a fortress called Kronshtadt. It is the main seaport of St. Petersburg. The first fortifications on the island were built on Kotlin in 1703 (at the same time as the founding of St. Petersburg). The island is the base of the Baltic Fleet. The architectural landmark of the city is the magnificent St. Nicholas Naval Cathedral, which celebrated its centennial in 2013. The majestic temple is a monument to all sailors who did not return from their voyages.
Tour length -  6 hours.
Group from 31 pax: 1200 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Bus tour "St. Petersburg’s Nightlife". This tour is a unique possibility to see the nocturnal transformation of St. Petersburg. You will see The Palace Square, The Winter Palace, the Statue of Peter the Great (The Bronze Horseman), the Peter and Paul Fortress and many other tourist attractions from a completely new perspective. Don’t miss the unforgettable show - the extraordinary draw of the central bridges.
Tour length -  3.5 hours.
Group from 26 pax: 1100 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Автобусная экскурсия «Великий Новгород-город-музей». Экскурсия с посещением действующего, самого крупного из новгородских монастырей - Победоносца и Чудотворца Георгия, традиционно именуемый Юрьев. Архитектурный и природный заповедник деревянного зодчества – «Витославлицы». Кремль. Новгородский Софийский собор.   Продолжительность экскурсии 10 часов.
Optional excursion
Автобусная экскурсия в Этнографический музей.
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Bus tour to Pavlovsk.  Pavlovsk park is a unique monument of landscape art of the late 18th to early 19th century. Together with Pavlovsky Palace, the summer palace of the Russian Emperor Paul I, the palace and the park form a unit. The museum is renowned for its unique art and crafts collections.
Tour length -  6.5 hours.
Group from 11 pax: 2600 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Загородная экскурсия в Екатерининский дворец.
Optional excursion
Trip to the suburbs Visit the State museum Peterhof, often referred to as "the Russian Versailles". Founded at the beginning of the 18th century by Emperor Peter the Great in the vicinity of his new capital - St. Petersburg, Peterhof was one of the most luxurious royal summer residences and his personal monument to the successful completion of Russia's struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. The Upper Gardens and Lower Park, The Grand Palace and some "small" palaces and pavilions, the world's largest system of fountains and water cascades and the majority of the sculptures were in place by the mid 20's of the 18th century.
Tour length -  6 hours.
Group from 26 pax: 2700 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Visit the architectural and landscape complex of the unique Oranienbaum Palace and Park of the 18th to the early 20th century, preserved during World War II in its historical authenticity. The Great Menshikov Palace is the oldest building of Oranienbaum. The impressive appearance of the palace, its grand scale and lavish interiors, always generate a lot of admiration and surprise. The estate offers a lot of wonders. For example, in the center of the eastern gallery there was once a "Turkish bath" (with a glass roof) which was many times honored by Peter the Great himself! The halls and living rooms are decorated with paintings on plaster and canvas, tapestries, and marble. The window frames were even gilded, and the walls of many rooms were finished with Dutch and German tiles.   Tour length -  6.5 hours.
Group from 21 pax: 2500 rub. per person
Пикник на зеленой стоянке. Пешеходная экскурсия по деревне с посещением острова сказок, мини-зоопарка, конюшни и ремесленной слободы.
Included in the price of cruise
Walking tour of the Kizhi State Open-Air Museum of History, Architecture and Ethnography.
Included in the price of cruise
Petrozavodsk Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Bus tour “Kivach Falls” with a tour of the main sights of Petrozavodsk. Tour length -  5 hours.
Group from 18 pax: 1300 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Rafting on the Shuya river with a tour of the main sights of Petrozavodsk.  Tour length - 5 hours.
Group from 10 pax: 1800 rub. per person
Optional excursion

Посещение фермы по разведение собак породы «Хаски», с катанием на упряжках по подготовленной трассе (2 км.) Продолжительность поездки 4 часа.

Group from 10 pax: 3500 rub. per person
Your choice:
First-hand experience on a large ocean diesel submarine, equipped with its original machinery, systems and weapons, allows visitors to see the internal structure of the boat, understand the life of submariners, examine military memorabilia, climb up to the conning tower and check out the main deck of the ship.
2) City walking-tour with a visit to Vytegorsk local history museum. The interactive tour "Living Antiquity" will plunge you into the world of the peasantry in Vytegorsky County at the turn of the 20th century. In the course of the tour you will see the interior of a peasant's log hut with a Russian stove, learn how they cooked, and find out about the role of a samovar (traditional Russian metal kettle) for a Russian family. (Group size: 20+)
3) City walking tour with a visit to Vytegorsk local history museum. Theme tour "Vytegorsk Hunting." The exhibition tells you about traditional fishing instruments, methods for catching animals, and hunting traditions and signs. Don’t miss the unique taxidermy sculptures of birds and animals from the collection of the museum's founders.
 (Group size: 20+)
4) Walking tour of the city, a tour of the recreated ancient embankment of Vytegra with a stop at Vytegra downtown (for groups of 20 people and more).
Included in the price of cruise
ИрмаЗеленая стоянка.Included in the price of cruise
Your choice:
1) Walking tour “Visit to the mice at the old mill” with an excursion to the old mill, the Museum of Russian Valenki, the artisans' house and Uspensky (Assumption) Cathedral. Tour length -  2-2.5 hours.
2)Walking Tour for Kids and Their Parents. Visit to the Mouse Palace. (group size: 25+). Tour length – 1.5-2 hours.
3)Provincial Kaleidoscope Walking Tour. A city sightseeing excursion, including a tour of some interesting wooden houses (Shipbuilder’s Thomson House, Myshkin Sheremetyev’s Station), visit to the old mill house with the Barn Mice display, the Victory Memorial, the Dormition Cathedral. (group size: 25+). Tour length – 2.5 hours.
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Meet the Avdotias Folk and Recreation Program.
Group from 15 pax: 450 rub. per person
Group from 25 pax: 350 rub. per person
Optional excursion
There are baby ostriches and ostrich families, miniature horses, cows and goats at the ECO-RANCH. Exotic animals are raised on this farm minutes away by car from Myshkin. You can find black African ostriches, tiny horses (the smallest is only 75 cm at the withers!), and cheerful pygmy goats. It’s a fun place for the whole family!
Group from 10 pax: 300 rub. per person