Cruise excursion program Moscow (NRT) - Gorodets - Cheboksary - Moscow (NRT) from 01.09.11 to 09.09.11, Ship «Ilya Repin» | Интернет-магазин круизов компании Мостурфлот

Cruise excursion program Moscow (NRT) - Gorodets - Cheboksary - Moscow (NRT) from 01.09.11 to 09.09.11, Ship «Ilya Repin»

На выбор: 1) Пешеходная экскурсия с посещением церкви царевича Димитрия "на крови" и Cпасо-Преображенского собора.
2) "Знакомство со старым городом" с посещением музея "Библиотека русской водки". (группа от 20 чел.)
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Group from 5 pax: 1200 rub. per person
Group from 10 pax: 600 rub. per person
Group from 15 pax: 400 rub. per person
Your choice:
1) City Bus Tour with a visit to Ipatiev Monastery and the functioning Epiphany Convent of St. Anastasia. Tour length – 3 hours.
2) The Blessed City of Kostroma Bus Tour. Stop at the shops, farmer’s market, cheese stores, textile, linen and jewelry studios and the functioning Epiphany Convent of St. Anastasia which is known as the location of the ancient Feodorovskaya Icon of God’s Mother, a miraculous Icon of Mother of God worshiped by the Russian Orthodox Church, one of the House of Romanovs relics. Tour length – 3 hours (Group size: 35+).
3) City Bus Tour with a stop at the City Mayor Botnikov History Museum. You will find out about the remarkable person who made a difference in his city. The first city power plant, a fire station, a public library, and several educational facilities were all built during Botnikov’s time as mayor. He also introduced a mandatory house numbering system and installed telephone lines. Botnikov made personal contributions to urban improvements. The museum recreates the atmosphere of a residence of an affluent person at the beginning of the 20th century. Tour length: 3 hours. (Group Size: 35+).
Included in the price of cruise
Ples Included in the price of cruise
На выбор: 1) Отправление из Городца. Автобусная экскурсия "Семенов-столица золотой хохломы". Посещение фабрики "Хохломская роспись", краеведческого музея. Продолжительность экскурсии 6 часов. (группа от 30 чел.) 
2) Автобусная экскурсия "Город над Волгой и Окой"-страницы истории города ХIII-ХХI веков.
3) Автобусная экскурсия "Деревянные сказы Руси", с посещением музея быта народов нижегородского Поволжья. (группа от 30 чел.)
4) Автобусная экскурсия "Православные храмы и монастыри", с посещением Строгановской церкви, Спасского Староярмарочного собора, Благовещенского и Печерского монастырей. (группа от 30 чел.)
Included in the price of cruise
Пешеходная экскурсия "Легенды и предания Козьмодемьянска". Посещение Художественно-исторического  и Этнографического музеев.
Included in the price of cruise
Автобусная экскурсия "Ярославль Юбилейный". Вы увидите обновленную набережную, Успенский собор, фонтаны, парк 1000-летия города.
Included in the price of cruise
Your choice:
1) Walking tour “Visit to the mice at the old mill” with an excursion to the old mill, the Museum of Russian Valenki, the artisans' house and Uspensky (Assumption) Cathedral. Tour length -  2-2.5 hours.
2)Walking Tour for Kids and Their Parents. Visit to the Mouse Palace. (group size: 25+). Tour length – 1.5-2 hours.
3)Provincial Kaleidoscope Walking Tour. A city sightseeing excursion, including a tour of some interesting wooden houses (Shipbuilder’s Thomson House, Myshkin Sheremetyev’s Station), visit to the old mill house with the Barn Mice display, the Victory Memorial, the Dormition Cathedral. (group size: 25+). Tour length – 2.5 hours.
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Meet the Avdotias Folk and Recreation Program.
Group from 15 pax: 450 rub. per person
Group from 25 pax: 350 rub. per person