Cruise excursion program Moscow (NRT) - Myshkin - Goritsy - Mandrogi - Tamansari - island Rantasari - мыс Импиниеми - о. Ристисаари - о. Лаппи - Myakisalo island - Karpansaari island - Pellotsari - Kello island - Valaam - Sortavala - island Memories - о. Малый - Island Metriche - Island Sittu - о. Кугрисари - Island Hanasenai - о. Верккосари - Konevetz - Saint Petersburg (Salt Pier) - Old Ladoga - Староладожская крепость - Урочище Сопки - Cheinavolok cape - Brusno island - Petrozavodsk - Povenets - Kizhi - cape Klimetskiy Nose - Rechnoy island - Cape of Devils Nose - Cape of Murom - Andom cape - Kuzino - Uglich - Moscow (NRT) from 30.07.22 to 12.08.22, Ship «RUSSIA» | Интернет-магазин круизов компании Мостурфлот

Cruise excursion program Moscow (NRT) - Myshkin - Goritsy - Mandrogi - Tamansari - island Rantasari - мыс Импиниеми - о. Ристисаари - о. Лаппи - Myakisalo island - Karpansaari island - Pellotsari - Kello island - Valaam - Sortavala - island Memories - о. Малый - Island Metriche - Island Sittu - о. Кугрисари - Island Hanasenai - о. Верккосари - Konevetz - Saint Petersburg (Salt Pier) - Old Ladoga - Староладожская крепость - Урочище Сопки - Cheinavolok cape - Brusno island - Petrozavodsk - Povenets - Kizhi - cape Klimetskiy Nose - Rechnoy island - Cape of Devils Nose - Cape of Murom - Andom cape - Kuzino - Uglich - Moscow (NRT) from 30.07.22 to 12.08.22, Ship «RUSSIA»

Your choice:
1) Walking tour “Visit to the mice at the old mill” with an excursion to the old mill, the Museum of Russian Valenki, the artisans' house and Uspensky (Assumption) Cathedral. Tour length -  2-2.5 hours.
2)Walking Tour for Kids and Their Parents. Visit to the Mouse Palace. (group size: 25+). Tour length – 1.5-2 hours.
3)Provincial Kaleidoscope Walking Tour. A city sightseeing excursion, including a tour of some interesting wooden houses (Shipbuilder’s Thomson House, Myshkin Sheremetyev’s Station), visit to the old mill house with the Barn Mice display, the Victory Memorial, the Dormition Cathedral. (group size: 25+). Tour length – 2.5 hours.
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Group from 5 pax: 1050 rub. per person
Group from 10 pax: 500 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 15 pax: 550 rub. per person
GoritsyIncluded in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Bus tour to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery with a visit to a monk’s cell and Uspensky (Assumption) cathedral (Group size: 15+)
Tour length -  3 hours. (alternative to the main excursion).
Group from 15 pax: 1500 rub. per person
MandrogiIncluded in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Group from 10 pax: 2200 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 1 pax: 5500 rub. per person
TamansariIncluded in the price of cruise
island RantasariIncluded in the price of cruise
Myakisalo islandIncluded in the price of cruise
Karpansaari islandIncluded in the price of cruise
PellotsariIncluded in the price of cruise
Kello islandIncluded in the price of cruise
ValaamIncluded in the price of cruise
Экскурсионный пакет на выбор:
1) Пешеходная экскурсия по г. Сортавала с посещением двух музеев- персональной галереи художника Кронида Гоголева-уникального мастера рельефной резьбы по дереву и краеведческого музея Северного Приладожья. Протяженность маршрута 4 км. Продолжительность экскурсии 4,0  часа.
2) Автобусно-пешеходная экскурсия "Мраморный каньон "Рускеала". Маршрут проходит по периметру мраморного карьера. Из рускеальского мрамора выполнена отделка Исаакиевского собора и Мраморного дворца в С.Петербурге. Посещение персональной галереи художника Кронида Гоголева. Протяженность маршрута 2 км. Продолжительность экскурсии 3,5  часа. (группа от 35 чел.)
С борта круизного теплохода к причалу Сортавала туристов доставляют прогулочным катером.
Included in the price of cruise
island MemoriesIncluded in the price of cruise
Island SittuIncluded in the price of cruise
Island HanasenaiIncluded in the price of cruise
KonevetzIncluded in the price of cruise
Saint PetersburgIncluded in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Group from 20 pax: 1200 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 20 pax: 2400 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 20 pax: 3000 rub. per person
Old LadogaIncluded in the price of cruise
Cheinavolok capeIncluded in the price of cruise
Brusno islandIncluded in the price of cruise
PetrozavodskIncluded in the price of cruise
PovenetsIncluded in the price of cruise
KizhiIncluded in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
The trip begins and completes by the main pier of the Kizhi Island.
- the tour of the windmill at the Seredka Village;
- the passage to Sennaya Guba Village. The tour of the basement of the stone-wooden Church of Nikolay the Miracle Worker, the Tikhvin Icon of the Holy Mother of God;
- the passage to Korba Village, walk around the waterside. Tour of the Miracle of the Lord Chapel of the 18th century; the chapel is made of pinewood. The church is of cellular shape, and it has a pyramidical tower.
- if time permits – a passage to Vorobyi Village, a tour of the Kirika and Iulitta Churches.
The guide will tell the tourists about the nature and hydrology of the Onega Lake, the villages of the Kizhi churchyard.
- return to the pier of the Kizhi Island.
Walk duration is 1 ½ hour.
1. Trips by water and hiking are not carried out in the fog and with a wave height of more than 0.5 meters or in other adverse weather conditions since orientation is made impossible due to lack of visibility.
2. Children over the age of 10 are welcome to join the excursion.
3. Drunk tourists are inadmissible.
Safety rules for tours by motor boats and speedboats
Do not cut in line while boarding and disembarking from the boats. To eliminate negative effects of water excursions during boat movement, it is prohibited: to change seats, to shift loads, to use cutting and piercing objects, to rock the boat and dive from the board. All of the passengers on the boats must be wearing fastened life jackets.
Group from 10 pax: 1400 rub. per person
cape Klimetskiy NoseIncluded in the price of cruise
Rechnoy islandIncluded in the price of cruise
Cape of Devils NoseIncluded in the price of cruise
Cape of MuromIncluded in the price of cruise
Andom capeIncluded in the price of cruise
KuzinoIncluded in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Group from 30 pax: 1000 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 15 pax: 3000 rub. per person
Your choice:
2) Stop at the Folk Toy Museum. Discover the unique, almost 50 years-old collection. Find out about the cultures and traditions of more than 35 countries through games and toys. Tourists will get to know more about the daily life, customs, and rites of Russians.
4) Tour to the Vintage Scooter Bike Museum. Find out about the evolution of the bicycle. The museum displays the 19-20th century bicycles, sports bicycles and leisure bicycles, bikes for adults and kids, etc. Ride any of the museum exhibits! Visit to the Alexeevsky Monastery. Tour length 2 hours. (Group Size: 20+).
Included in the price of cruise
Optional excursion
Visit to the City Life Museum, including an entertainment program and a tea ceremony. Please join us to find out about the way of life, traditions, customs, fashion in a Russian provincial town of the 19th century. Find yourself in a market place and a jaunty salesclerk will offer you all sorts of merchandise and will probably even invite you to a wedding or a baby shower. The hosts will be more than happy to share some herbal tea and one of the best Uglich cheeses with you.
Tour length – 45 minutes.
Group from 5 pax: 450 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 10 pax: 1100 rub. per person
Group from 15 pax: 900 rub. per person
Group from 20 pax: 800 rub. per person
Group from 30 pax: 550 rub. per person
Optional excursion
Group from 10 pax: 3800 rub. per person
Group from 15 pax: 3000 rub. per person
Group from 20 pax: 2800 rub. per person
Group from 30 pax: 2300 rub. per person